Monday, September 12, 2011

The New 52 Review: Green Arrow 1 and Hawk & Dove 1

I'm going to group these two reviews together because neither of these issues is very good and I won't waste your time or mine dissecting it. Needless to say, both titles offer very little in quality or distinction.

Let's start with Hawk & Dove. This one at least has a redeeming quality in that it does have some interesting things regarding the overall DC Universe and it's new continuity. However, it is a little convoluted and rather un-exciting. The artwork is typical Liefeld and by that I mean totally rubbish. Now Hawk has always been depicted as a hulking beast so that's right up Liefeld's alley, but it all just screams the worst of the 90's. So why would you read Hawk & Dove? No idea really. And it seems neither do DC.

Now Green Arrow is at least a character people have heard of. They may even have some fondness for him from some great runs from Denny O'neil, Kevin Smith and Brad Metzler. Here J.T Krul goes for something different. Green Arrow is now the head of Apple, or something like that. Who cares. The supporting characters are lame. The villains are lame. The lame attempts at pop-culture significance are lame. Green Arrow was alright in my books. Not sure I'm liking where this is going.

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